Angels We Have Heard on High

Sunday, Dawn was playing with Dakota and they were looking at the nativity scene we have on top of the piano. The nativity was handmade ceramic by done by my Aunt Helen years ago.

During the course of looking at each one of the figures, the angel got pushed off the back of the piano and we heard it crash. Yup broken. It wasn't the first time the angel was in need of repair. For some reason it's always the angels in nativity scenes that get broken. I don't know why. Maybe it's the wings.

Well, I pulled the piano out from the wall and proceeded to pick up the broken pieces from the floor. Body, head, wings...I think I had them all. A little glue and a few minutes, Gabriel would be as good as new.

Gabriel and I went to the basement were I proceeded to mix up some Gorilla Epoxy and started to put him back together again. I was hoping I would have better luck than "All the king's horses and all the king's men." Gabe's reconstruction went pretty well. My fingers got a bit sticky while helping Gabe hold it together for a few minutes, but all in all he seemed to come out, OK.

I looked at Gabriel: down on one knee, classic angelic androgynous face, looking more female than male but certainly angelic. One might call him a pretty boy. I started to think about the angelic host and the host of angels as they visited the earth that night some 2000 years ago. What would they have been like? The shepherds knew. The angels appear and they were "sore afraid." In any biblical event most anyone who encountered an angelic being, fell flat on their face hoping they wouldn't be slain. Maybe it's the flaming swords. Angel's first words to most humans they encountered were "Do Not Be Afraid!"

I thought about the invasion plan of God for this planet. The Prince of the Air had been thrown down and given dominion. God came as an infant, so vulnerable, not able to fend or defend himself, dependent upon the faulty humans around him. This prefect being, this divine being, now incarnate in a human form.

For some reason I'm not thinking that the angles surrounding the nativity that night so long ago were just there on one knee, peaceful and happy little cherubs. I think it was more like Navy Seals, Special Forces, Black Ops who had just kicked off his end game." Who had started the final battle plan to recapture a lost world. Swords at the ready, humble and respectful yes, triumphant and glorifying, yes. But battle ready, on point, they were not lax but strong powerful beings ready to do battle with the dark evil forces which would attempt to move at any cost to prevent this happening. These angels were strong and trained, active and ready.

Beautiful, chubby little faces....I think not. Hardened, battle hardened, strong and ready faces, determined, tenacious, tough, strong, committed.

Brings a different imagine of the nativity doesn't it?


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